Shotokan karate is a traditional Japanese martial art which was founded by Gichin funokohsi, born in Okinawa in 1868, he began training in traditional Okinawa martial arts at a young age when at school under two highly respected okinawa masters of the art ''Yasutsune (Anko) itosu'' and ''Yasutune (Anko) Azato'' He became a skillful practitioner and eventually moved to Japan to spread the teachings of karate. Funakoshi modified the art setting out more of a structure regarding the elements of Kihon, Kata, Kumite aswell as introducing a ranking system to help karateka move through the study with more structure and understanding according to the relevant grade - karate was born in Okinawa and was practiced by mainly ''commoners'' of society until funakoshi started to travel across japan, demonstrating his skills he had now became a master in starting in 1916 where he gave a demonstration to the Butokuden in Kyoto, in Japan, which was the official centre of martial arts. In 1921 the crown prince who later became the emperor visited okinawa and Gichin Funakoshi was again asked to demonstrate.
Funokoshis philosophy of karate emphasised the development of the whole person, including the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of training. He believed that karate was not just a way of fighting but a way of life, In 1922 funakoshi demonstrated his karate skills at the first national athletic exhibition in Tokyo, which helped popularise martial arts in mainland Japan.
In 1936 Funakoshi established the first karate dojo in Tokyo, the name ''Shotokan'' was chosen to honour Funakoshi's pen name ''Shoto'' which means ''waving pines''. The dojo quickly became popular attracting many students, many social status with the likes of high ranking member of the military.
Funakoshi continued to teach shotokan karate until his death in 1957, since his death shotokan has spread across the world becoming one of the most practiced karate styles there is.